Thursday, May 30, 2013

On to a new adventure....

It's summer break (wooooo-hooooo)!  I haven't even been out of school a week, and I am already blogging, printing, and configuring next year.  I moved up to second grade, and I am really excited.  I have decided to change my room as a whole and go with a different/simpler theme.  My room is also smaller and a different shape, so I am changing the look of everything.  I am excited about my new adventure.  I had a wonderful first year teaching, and I have my kiddos to thank for that.  I will miss them dearly over the summer, but I will see them in August.  Here are a few pictures of the last week of school.  See you in second grade!

We are officially second graders!

Field day fun....I won!

Look at all our ribbons!

Goodbye first grade!